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Can't get mongodb record by ObjectId in golang





I'm try to get mongodb record by ObjectId by using following code, but keep getting not found by err.Error()

Following is my mongo collection sample

{ "_id" : ObjectId("5a2a75f777e864d018131a59"), "callDate" : "22/12/2017", "time" : "16.25", "callType" : "a", "position" : "aaa", "description" : "aaaaaa", "qty" : 2, "estimatedDuration" : 2.3, "estimatedOvertime" : 3.44, "rate" : 4, "laborExtension" : 3 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5a2a75f877e864d018131a5b"), "callDate" : "22/12/2017", "time" : "16.25", "callType" : "a", "position" : "aaa", "description" : "aaaaaa", "qty" : 2, "estimatedDuration" : 2.3, "estimatedOvertime" : 3.44, "rate" : 4, "laborExtension" : 3 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5a2a75fa77e864d018131a5d"), "callDate" : "22/12/2017", "time" : "16.25", "callType" : "a", "position" : "aaa", "description" : "aaaaaa", "qty" : 2, "estimatedDuration" : 2.3, "estimatedOvertime" : 3.44, "rate" : 4, "laborExtension" : 3 }

Following is my model

type RhinoJobs struct { 
ID                bson.ObjectId  `db:"id" json:"id" bson:"_id"` 
CallDate          string  `db:"call_date" json:"callDate" bson:"callDate"` 
Time              string  `db:"time" json:"time" bson:"time"` 
CallType          string  `db:"call_type" json:"callType" bson:"callType"` 
Position          string  `db:"position" json:"position" bson:"position"` 
Description       string  `db:"description" json:"description" bson:"description"` 
Qty               int     `db:"qty" json:"qty" bson:"qty"` 
EstimatedDuration float64 `db:"estimated_duration" json:"estimatedDuration" bson:"estimatedDuration"` 
EstimatedOvertime float64 `db:"estimated_overtime" json:"estimatedOvertime" bson:"estimatedOvertime"` 
Rate              float64 `db:"rate" json:"rate" bson:"rate"` 
LaborExtension    float64 `db:"labor_extension" json:"laborExtension" bson:"laborExtension"` 

I want to get search these record by object id


func GetMongoSession() (*mgo.Session, error) {
    if mgoSession == nil {
        var err error
        mgoSession, err = mgo.Dial(mongoConnectionUrl)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
    return mgoSession.Clone(), nil

func GetJobByID(objID string) (models.RhinoJobs, error) {
    var job models.RhinoJobs
    s, err := commons.GetMongoSession()
    if err != nil {
        errMsg := "error occurred while creating mongoDB connection stack:" + err.Error()
        return job, errors.New(errMsg)
    defer s.Close()
    err = s.DB("rhino").C("jobs").FindId(bson.ObjectIdHex("5a2a75f777e864d018131a59")).One(&job)
    if err != nil {
        errMsg := "error occurred while getting data :" + err.Error()
        return job, errors.New(errMsg)
    return job, nil

But when I try to get all collection records by following code it works fine

err := s.DB("rhino").C("jobs").Find(nil).All(&jobs)

enter image description here

I also check following SO Q&A but didn't work

Querying mongodb from golang using the _id stored in an array

How to find by id in golang and mongodb

Cannot retrieve "_id" value using mgo with golang

like image 949
Nisal Edu Avatar asked Dec 08 '17 10:12

Nisal Edu

1 Answers

I had the exact same problem, my issue was that I recently switched to the new mgo fork (which is being actively developed) and I mixed up dependencies.

I basically used mgo from globalsign TOGETHER with the old bson from gopkg.in. Please check your dependencies!


This is wrong!!

Instead it should be:

like image 57
codepushr Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 06:10
