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Get data from KML file using node.js

Is it possible to get location data from KML file based on the latitude and longitude? When I am using npm node-geocoder that time I am getting a result which Google provided. But here I am having KML file from this file I need to get the result. Please guide me to get a result from KML file.

Below: the code I am using getting data from geocoder API.

var NodeGeocoder = require('node-geocoder');
var options = {
  provider: 'google',
  // Optional depending on the providers
  httpAdapter: 'https',
  formatter: 'json'

var geocoder = NodeGeocoder(options);

var kmllatitude =req.body.latitude;
var kmllong =req.body.longitude;

geocoder.reverse({lat:kmllatitude, lon:kmllong}, function(err, res) {
like image 570
user3239284 Avatar asked Oct 18 '17 05:10


People also ask

How do I read a KML file in node?

var fs = require('fs'), path = require('path'), xmlReader = require('read-xml'); var convert = require('xml-js'); // If your file is located in a different directory than this javascript // file, just change the directory path. var FILE = path. join(__dirname, './history. kml'); xmlReader.

1 Answers

I'm supposing you downloaded the KML file from your Google Location History.

Since KML uses a tag-based structure with nested elements and attributes, based on the XML standard, you can use the read-xml package to obtain the data from your KML file.

This is what your KML file should be like:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<kml xmlns='http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2' xmlns:gx='http://www.google.com/kml/ext/2.2'>
                <gx:coord>-16.9800841 32.6660673 0</gx:coord>
                <gx:coord>-16.9251961 32.6586912 0</gx:coord>

Then I convert the XML text to Javascript object/JSON text. You don't have to do this step, but for me, it's easier to do and to explain. You can do that by using the xml-js package.

Another thing you have to do is to split the value of this tag <gx:coord>-16.9251961 32.6586912 0</gx:coord> since you have first the longitude and then the latitude, inside the same tag.

var fs = require('fs'),
    path = require('path'),
    xmlReader = require('read-xml');

var convert = require('xml-js');

// If your file is located in a different directory than this javascript 
// file, just change the directory path.
var FILE = path.join(__dirname, './history.kml'); 

xmlReader.readXML(fs.readFileSync(FILE), function(err, data) {
    if (err) {

    var xml = data.content;
    var result = JSON.parse(convert.xml2json(xml, {compact: true, spaces: 4}));

      // If your KML file is different than the one I provided just change 
      // result.kml.Document.Placemark['gx:Track']['gx:coord'].
      // As you can see it is similar with the KML file provided.
      for(var i = 0; i < result.kml.Document.Placemark['gx:Track']['gx:coord'].length; i++){
         var results = result.kml.Document.Placemark['gx:Track']['gx:coord'][i]._text;

         // As I said before you have to split the returned value.
         var coordinates = results.split(" ");
         var longitude = coordinates[0];
         var latitude = coordinates[1];
         console.log("lat/long: " + latitude + ", " + longitude);

Hope it could help you!

like image 168
Ricardo Faria Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 08:09

Ricardo Faria