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Can't compile iOS-App in Ad-Hoc mode (Xamarin.iOS)

So basically I'm following this official Xamarin guide to release my app in the AppStore.

However no matter what I try (changing signing profiles, different build options) the solution-process crashes every time after 1-2 minutes with different errors that don't explain what exactly went wrong (signing error, user aborted?!, etc.).

After the error is shown I always have to reconnect to the Mac. What could be the problem?


Tool exited with code: 1. Output: CSSM_SignData returned: 800108E6 /Users/metadokentwicklung/Library/Caches/Xamarin/mtbs/builds/mWIDAS_iOS/806c20450998d745a5c8df0e4928100f/bin/iPhone/Ad-Hoc/mWIDAS_iOS.app: errSecInternalComponent mWIDAS_iOS

I tried the publish profiles (Ad-Hoc,AppStore,automatic) and provisioning profile.

like image 555
hullunist Avatar asked Jul 25 '16 12:07


1 Answers

Okay solved the problem myself a few days ago. Dumb mistake on my behlaf.

I use the same monitor for the Mac Mini and the Windows PC so I didn't see the popup on the Mac prompting me to accept the use of the keyfile.

After I agreed to it everything worked like a charm.

like image 126
hullunist Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 02:09
