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Can't access object property of a Mongoose response

I'm running this code on node.js

var mongoose = require('mongoose');
mongoose.model('participant',new mongoose.Schema({},{ collection : 'forumParticipant' }));
var Participant = mongoose.model('participant');

Participant.find({entity_id: 0}, function (err, docs) {

1) The first console.log return the full document

2) The second console.log return undefinied

I don't understand why.

I need to perform something like

var participants = docs.map(function(d){return d.user_id})

How can I achieve that? What am I missing ?

like image 362
Hugo Avatar asked Sep 17 '15 14:09


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1 Answers

I suspect the value you are trying to get is not in your Schema but is stored in your database.

You have two solutions from there. You can either add entity_id to your Schema and Mongo will be able to bind it to the Document object you receive. This is the recommended way.

Or you can bypass mongoose Schema and access the raw document stored in the database with docs[0]._doc.entity_id. I don't recommend this solution unless you know what you're doing.

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Masadow Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 22:09
