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Cannot zoom in and out of nib in the new Interface Builder

Have I missed something obvious or is it not possible to zoom freely in and out of an open nib file, within the integrated Interface Builder of Xcode 4?

like image 438
Luke Avatar asked May 26 '11 09:05


People also ask

How to zoom in storyboard XCode?

You can zoom the storyboard by double-click canvas or using top-menu(Editor > Canvas > Zoom). ...or right click on any white space to bring up the same zoom menu quickly.

What is difference between XIB and NIB?

In fact, the acronym "NIB" comes from "NeXTSTEP Interface Builder", and "XIB" from "Xcode Interface Builder". NIBs and XIBs are effectively the same thing: XIBs are newer and are used while you're developing, whereas NIBs are what get produced when you create a build.

1 Answers

I filed a bug report a week or two ago - in short, they're aware of it.

I won't paste the email here as it said it was under NDA.

Here's hoping for 4.0.3 or similar with some zooming :)

like image 120
Luke Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 19:09
