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Cannot View Google Play Console Release Warning Messages

When I try to confirm a rollout to internal testers in the Google Play Console for an Android app, I'm getting the following...

Check these warnings before starting the rollout of this release. Addressing the warnings on this page will ensure your existing users are able to upgrade to the latest version of your app.

If I try to click on the "VIEW WARNING MESSAGES" button below this message, I get

An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later.

enter image description here

How can I find out what the warning messages are so I can release my app to testing?

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John81 Avatar asked Aug 12 '19 19:08


People also ask

How do I remove rejected release from Google Play?

All you need to do is deactivate (if necessary) and then delete all . apk files and the app will disappear from your developer console. If the app was ever published, this will not work. You can unpublish an app, but you cannot delete any .

Why is Google Play Console suspended?

Suspension can occur as the result of egregious or multiple policy violations, as well as repeated app rejections or removals. Because the app is suspended, users will not be able to see the app's Store listing, existing user installs, statistics, and ratings.

1 Answers

In my case, I had to fill in all required sections in Store Presence in Google Play Console to be able to release the first version. I was confused by this "unexpected error" too.

enter image description here

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Vadim Kotov Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 19:09

Vadim Kotov