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Cannot read property 'removeAttribute' of null: Cant find source of it



Im getting errors over and over again on each of my sites:

VM42958:5 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'removeAttribute' of null
(anonymous function) @ VM42958:5
(anonymous function) @ VM42958:20

Unfortunately i cant find the source of this error. If i open the related JavaScript lines i find the following:


  var style = document.getElementById("9mr7n8lmeyjxk84i17g5ws714i") ||
  Object.defineProperty(style, "disabled", {value: false, enumerable: true});
  Object.defineProperty(style.sheet, "disabled", {value: false, enumerable: true});
  var deleteRule = CSSStyleSheet.prototype.deleteRule;
  CSSStyleSheet.prototype.deleteRule = function(index)
    if (this != style.sheet)
      deleteRule.call(this, index);
  var removeRule = CSSStyleSheet.prototype.removeRule;
  CSSStyleSheet.prototype.removeRule = function(index)
    if (this != style.sheet)
      removeRule.call(this, index);

This is not my code and i have no idea where it is comming from or where it is used. As libraries im using bootstrap, jQuery and Chart.js.

Does somebody know this part of code or is there a way to find the source of this error. i mean directly the line where it is appearing?

The same error occurs in this jsFiddle for example: jsFiddle

like image 852
Mulgard Avatar asked Jul 01 '16 11:07


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2 Answers

Same problem here. For some reason Chrome ADBlock (not plus) was the cause.

like image 179
Lebannehn Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 16:09


The var style = ... statement gives null. You do not have in the document any of the queried elements.

like image 24
hsz Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 16:09
