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Cannot make bash script work from cloud-init





Obviously I am doing something wrong here.

Cloud init script /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg

 - [ sh, /opt/cloud-init-scripts/whatever.sh ]

The script /opt/cloud-init-scripts/whatever.sh

. /home/ubuntu/third-party/script.sh --silent

Third party script /home/ubuntu/third-party/script.sh

#!/usr/bin/env bash

function some_function() {

Error I am getting in /var/log/cloud-init-output.log

/opt/cloud-init-scripts/whatever.sh: 3: /home/ubuntu/third-party/script.sh: Syntax error: "(" unexpected

I must be missing something obvious here. I tried using source, . and sh when calling the third party script, tried changing shebangs everywhere but no success.

If I run the same command from command line it works.

like image 410
Tomas Avatar asked Mar 08 '23 00:03


1 Answers

You have specified sh shell under runcmd, but have she-bang set to bash. The latter does not matter because if you run as sh /opt/cloud-init-scripts/whatever.sh it will be run with sh shell. I guess you are probably using a non POSIX shell feature which is incompatible with the sh shell.

Or alternatively if your intention is to run the script in bash shell, change the runCmd in cloud-init script to

 - [ bash, /opt/cloud-init-scripts/whatever.sh ]
like image 144
Inian Avatar answered Mar 14 '23 19:03
