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Cannot connect to redis running as container with boot2docker

On my MBP, with latest boot2docker installed, I have the following Dockerfile:

FROM redis:3.0.3
CMD redis-server --bind

I run the following:

docker build .
docker run --rm ba09b207db42 # where ba09b207db42 is the container id returned by the build command

Then I run:

redis-cli -h `boot2docker ip`

And I get the error:

Could not connect to Redis at Connection refused

What am I missing?

like image 614
WispyCloud Avatar asked Aug 08 '15 02:08


Video Answer

1 Answers

You forgot to expose the port. Simply run the container like this:

docker run --rm -p 6379:6379 ba09b207db42


  • You could give the image a name so you would not need to work with ids: docker build -t myimage .

  • You could then start the container in background so that it does not "block" your terminal: docker run --name mycontainer -d -p 6379:6379 myimage

like image 168
Henrik Sachse Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 03:10

Henrik Sachse