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Can you turn off conditional compilation symbols from msbuild.exe command line?

We have CODE_ANALYSIS defined in our C# components so that FxCop analyzes them when we build them on our development boxes. I would like to have FxCop turned off when it runs through our build system. The build system is obviously using the msbuild.exe command line command. Is there a way to modify the conditional compilation symbols from this executable? If not, does anyone know any other possible solutions to my problem (other than turning it off manually)?


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blachniet Avatar asked Jul 11 '11 13:07


1 Answers

The CODE_ANALYSIS compilation symbol controls whether the SuppressMessageAttribute instances included in the code are copied into the compiled assembly. It does not control whether FxCop runs. If you want to override a project-level MSBuild property like RunCodeAnalysis (which is the beastie that controls whether FxCop runs under MSBuild), you should be able to use the MSBuild.exe /property command line switch. e.g.:

msbuild.exe <...> /property:RunCodeAnalysis=true
like image 64
Nicole Calinoiu Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 06:09

Nicole Calinoiu