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Can you move your animations to an external file in Angular2?

The @Component annotation provides us with an animations property. This can be used to define a list of triggers each with a lot of state and transition properties.

When you add multiple animations to a component, this list can become pretty long. Also some animations would be really nice to use in other components as well. Having to put them directly in each component seems tedious and is repetitive - plus it violates the DRY principle.

You can define the template and styles properties on your component as well, but here you have the option of providing a templateUrl and styleUrls instead. I can't seem to find an animationUrls property - am i missing something - is there a way to do this?

like image 875
Per Hornshøj-Schierbeck Avatar asked Nov 02 '16 08:11

Per Hornshøj-Schierbeck

People also ask

Which animation strategy would you use to apply multiple styles for a transition?

The keyframes() function in Angular allows you to specify multiple interim styles within a single transition, with an optional offset to define the point in the animation where each style change should occur.

Which animation strategy would you use if there were multiple animations that had to occur at the same time?

To create a staggered animation, use multiple Animation objects. One AnimationController controls all of the Animation s. Each Animation object specifies the animation during an Interval .

1 Answers

Sure you can. You can just declare the animation in a different file, then import it where you need it


export const animation = trigger(...)


import { animation } from './animations'

  animations: [ animation ]

Or if you want to make it configurable, you can export a function. For example, take a look at the Fuel-UI Collapse. This is a reusable (and configurable) animation


export function Collapse(duration: number = 300) {
    return trigger('collapse', [

Then in your components, just use

import { Collapse } from './collapse'

  animations: [ Collapse(300) ],
  template: `
    <div @collapse="collapsed ? 'true' : 'false'">
class MyComponent {}
like image 168
Paul Samsotha Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 15:10

Paul Samsotha