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Can you mark notifications as NOT seen and NOT read?



I tried to pass false but it doesn't seem to do anything. In any regards what I was really looking for was to unread / unseen. At this point it was mostly for testing purposes but I could see this becoming a feature in our system.

mark_read   Comma separated list of activity ids to mark as read, or boolean true
mark_seen   Comma separated list of activity ids to mark as seen, or boolean true

$results = $notification_feed->getActivities(0, 10, $options);
like image 394
user391986 Avatar asked Mar 15 '16 21:03


1 Answers

Marking activities as unread or unseen is currently not supported by Stream's latest API (v1.0)

like image 67
Tommaso Barbugli Avatar answered Dec 22 '22 10:12

Tommaso Barbugli