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Is it possible to filter on a feed



Is it possible to implement filtering on feeds in stream? I would like to allow users to follow other user posts but have those tagged with various categories. The desire is to select a category of Football and see just the posts made by people I follow which have that tag or potentially a collection of tags if the category was All Sports for example.

Looking in the api and docs it seems that a feed is pivoted on a single attribute so I can do a request for all posts of people I follow but not all posts for people I follow that are about NCAA or NFL.

like image 961
Andrew Rutter Avatar asked Sep 25 '22 16:09

Andrew Rutter

1 Answers

Currently the getstream-io api does not have any filtering capability for the retrieval of activities. All possible options for retrieval of activities can be found in the REST docs

like image 115
Matthisk Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 12:10
