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Can you freeze a C/C++ process and continue it on a different host?

I was wondering if it is possible to generate a "core" file, copy if to another machine and then continue execution of the a core file on that machine?

I have seen the gcore utility that will make a core file from a running process. But I do not think gdb can continue execution based on a core file.

Is there any way to just dump the heap/stack and and restore those at a later point?

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Jeroen Dirks Avatar asked Oct 10 '08 19:10

Jeroen Dirks

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3 Answers

it's called process migration.

mosix and OpenMosix used to be able to do that. nowadays it's easiest to migrate a whole VM.

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Javier Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 20:10


On modern systems, not from a core file, no you can't. For freezing and restoring an individual process on Linux, CryoPID and the new Kernel-based checkpoint and restart are in the works, but their abilities are currently quite limited. OpenVZ and other virtualization-like softwares can freeze and restore an entire system.

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ephemient Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 21:10


Also checkout out the Condor project. Condor can do that with parallel jobs as well. Condor also include monitors that can automatically migrate your process when some, for example, starts using their workstation again. It's really designed for utilizing spare cycles in networked environments.

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Pat Notz Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 21:10

Pat Notz