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Can you force add an ignored file type in Perforce?




I'm currently using the P4IGNORE environment variable. I mainly use this alongside the P4VS Extension so that my premake generated projects and solutions do not get added to perforce.

I recently upgraded my P4V client and when I try to manually add a file with an extension that is in my p4ignore.txt file it does not get added to my pending changelist (this did not happen before with the older version of P4V I had installed).

Is there a way to force add the files even if their extensions are in my p4ignore.txt file?

like image 404
Nick Fera Avatar asked Sep 30 '15 18:09

Nick Fera

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To submit a pending changelist, issue the p4 submit command. When you issue the p4 submit command, a form is displayed, listing the files in the changelist. You can remove files from this list. The files you remove remain open in the default pending changelist until you submit them or revert them.

How do I create a P4IGNORE file?

Go to Tools > Options > Source Control > Helix Core - Ignoring Files to set Ignore List preferences, including the Ignore List file name. The file name you enter in your preferences is set by P4VS as the local P4IGNORE environment variable and used for all of your Ignore Lists.

What does p4 add do?

p4 add opens files within the client workspace for addition to the depot. The specified files are linked to a changelist. The command can add files to a new, empty depot or to a depot that already contains files. The files are added to the depot when the changelist is committed with p4 submit .

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The p4 fstat command dumps information about each file, with information for each field on a separate line. The output is best used within a Helix C/C++ API application where the items can be accessed as variables, but is also suitable for parsing by scripts.

1 Answers

I am not sure about P4V, but you can do this using the P4 command line client.

From the 'p4 add' notes in the Perforce Command Reference:

By default, p4 add skips over files mentioned in any applicable P4IGNORE files. To override this behavior, use the -I option to ignore the contents of any P4IGNORE files.

like image 66
P4Jen Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 14:10
