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How to get folder history in perforce using the command line?

p4 filelog filename gives me the full history of a file.

I want to get the full history of a folder.

I tried p4 filelog foldername, but it didn't work. I referred to the Perforce command line manual as well, but I couldn't find anything.

Here 'filename' stands for the full path to a file and 'foldername' stands for the full path to a folder.

like image 713
Abhash Kumar Singh Avatar asked Jan 06 '14 07:01

Abhash Kumar Singh

1 Answers

When I'm looking to get folder history I tend to run p4 changes /some/interesting/folder/... to see a list of all the changes that have occurred. Then I use 'p4 describe ' to inspect individual changes.

like image 151
Matt Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 21:11
