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Can You Consistently Keep Track of Column Labels Using Sklearn's Transformer API?

This seems like a very important issue for this library, and so far I don't see a decisive answer, although it seems like for the most part, the answer is 'No.'

Right now, any method that uses the transformer api in sklearn returns a numpy array as its results. Usually this is fine, but if you're chaining together a multi-step process that expands or reduces the number of columns, not having a clean way to track how they relate to the original column labels makes it difficult to use this section of the library to its fullest.

As an example, here's a snippet that I just recently used, where the inability to map new columns to the ones originally in the dataset was a big drawback:

numeric_columns = train.select_dtypes(include=np.number).columns.tolist()
cat_columns     = train.select_dtypes(include=np.object).columns.tolist()

numeric_pipeline = make_pipeline(SimpleImputer(strategy='median'), StandardScaler())
cat_pipeline     = make_pipeline(SimpleImputer(strategy='most_frequent'), OneHotEncoder())

transformers = [
('num', numeric_pipeline, numeric_columns),
('cat', cat_pipeline, cat_columns)

combined_pipe = ColumnTransformer(transformers)

train_clean = combined_pipe.fit_transform(train)

test_clean  = combined_pipe.transform(test)

In this example I split up my dataset using the ColumnTransformer and then added additional columns using the OneHotEncoder, so my arrangement of columns is not the same as what I started out with.

I could easily have different arrangements if I used different modules that use the same API. OrdinalEncoer, select_k_best, etc.

If you're doing multi-step transformations, is there a way to consistently see how your new columns relate to your original dataset?

There's an extensive discussion about it here, but I don't think anything has been finalized yet.

like image 338
Jonathan Bechtel Avatar asked Aug 16 '19 16:08

Jonathan Bechtel

People also ask

Is it possible to write your own Transformers in scikit-learn?

Since scikit-learn added DataFrame support to the API a while ago it became even easier to modify and write your own transformers - and the workflow has become a lot easier. Many of sklearns home remedies still work with numpy arrays internally or return arrays, which often makes a lot of sense when it comes to performance.

How do I use the columntransformer?

To use the ColumnTransformer, you must specify a list of transformers. Each transformer is a three-element tuple that defines the name of the transformer, the transform to apply, and the column indices to apply it to. For example: For example, the ColumnTransformer below applies a OneHotEncoder to columns 0 and 1. ...

What is the purpose of the label transformer?

This transformer should be used to encode target values, i.e. y, and not the input X. Read more in the User Guide. New in version 0.12. Holds the label for each class. Encode categorical features using an ordinal encoding scheme. Encode categorical features as a one-hot numeric array. LabelEncoder can be used to normalize labels.

How to pass columns that are not specified in Transformers?

By default, only the specified columns in transformers are transformed and combined in the output, and the non-specified columns are dropped. (default of 'drop' ). By specifying remainder='passthrough', all remaining columns that were not specified in transformers will be automatically passed through.

1 Answers

Yes, you are right that there isn't a complete support for tracking the feature_names in sklearn as of now. Initially, it was decide to keep it as generic at the level of numpy array. Latest progress on the feature names addition to sklearn estimators can be tracked here.

Anyhow, we can create wrappers to get the feature names of the ColumnTransformer. I am not sure whether it can capture all the possible types of ColumnTransformers. But at-least, it can solve your problem.

From Documentation of ColumnTransformer:


The order of the columns in the transformed feature matrix follows the order of how the columns are specified in the transformers list. Columns of the original feature matrix that are not specified are dropped from the resulting transformed feature matrix, unless specified in the passthrough keyword. Those columns specified with passthrough are added at the right to the output of the transformers.

Try this!

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.compose import ColumnTransformer
from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline, Pipeline
from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler, OneHotEncoder, MinMaxScaler
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import _VectorizerMixin
from sklearn.feature_selection._base import SelectorMixin
from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectKBest
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer

train = pd.DataFrame({'age': [23,12, 12, np.nan],
                      'Gender': ['M','F', np.nan, 'F'],
                      'income': ['high','low','low','medium'],
                      'sales': [10000, 100020, 110000, 100],
                      'foo' : [1,0,0,1],
                      'text': ['I will test this',
                               'need to write more sentence',
                               'want to keep it simple',
                               'hope you got that these sentences are junk'],
                      'y': [0,1,1,1]})
numeric_columns = ['age']
cat_columns     = ['Gender','income']

numeric_pipeline = make_pipeline(SimpleImputer(strategy='median'), StandardScaler())
cat_pipeline     = make_pipeline(SimpleImputer(strategy='most_frequent'), OneHotEncoder())
text_pipeline = make_pipeline(CountVectorizer(), SelectKBest(k=5))

transformers = [
    ('num', numeric_pipeline, numeric_columns),
    ('cat', cat_pipeline, cat_columns),
    ('text', text_pipeline, 'text'),
    ('simple_transformer', MinMaxScaler(), ['sales']),

combined_pipe = ColumnTransformer(
    transformers, remainder='passthrough')

transformed_data = combined_pipe.fit_transform(
    train.drop('y',1), train['y'])

def get_feature_out(estimator, feature_in):
    if hasattr(estimator,'get_feature_names'):
        if isinstance(estimator, _VectorizerMixin):
            # handling all vectorizers
            return [f'vec_{f}' \
                for f in estimator.get_feature_names()]
            return estimator.get_feature_names(feature_in)
    elif isinstance(estimator, SelectorMixin):
        return np.array(feature_in)[estimator.get_support()]
        return feature_in

def get_ct_feature_names(ct):
    # handles all estimators, pipelines inside ColumnTransfomer
    # doesn't work when remainder =='passthrough'
    # which requires the input column names.
    output_features = []

    for name, estimator, features in ct.transformers_:
        if name!='remainder':
            if isinstance(estimator, Pipeline):
                current_features = features
                for step in estimator:
                    current_features = get_feature_out(step, current_features)
                features_out = current_features
                features_out = get_feature_out(estimator, features)
        elif estimator=='passthrough':
    return output_features


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Venkatachalam Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 09:10
