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Can we set priority_weight per task in Airflow?



I know that priority_weight can be set for the DAG in the default_args as per the example in the official documentation here.

Can we also set priority_weight that is different for each task in the DAG?

Following the example from the tutorial, it would mean that t1 would have a different priority from t2.

like image 424
Newskooler Avatar asked Mar 13 '19 15:03


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1 Answers

Can we also set priority_weight that is different for each task in the DAG?

Short Answer


Long Version

You appear a little confused here. Citing the passage above the snippet in the given link:

..we have the choice to explicitly pass a set of arguments to each task’s constructor (which would become redundant), or (better!) we can define a dictionary of default parameters that we can use when creating tasks..

So now you must have inferred that The priority_weight that was being passed in default_args was actually meant for individual tasks and not the DAG itself. Of course looking at the code it becomes clear that it's a parameter of BaseOperator and not DAG SQLAlchemy model

Also once you get to know the above fact, you'll soon realize that it wouldn't make much sense to assign same priority to each task of DAG. The said example from the official docs indeed appears to have overlooked this simple reasoning (unless I'm missing something). Nevertheless the docstring does seem to indicate so

:param priority_weight: priority weight of this task against other task.
        This allows the executor to trigger higher priority tasks before
        others when things get backed up.


As rightly pointed out by @Alessandro S. in comments, assigning same priority_weight to all tasks within a DAG is NOT unreasonable after all since priority_weight is not enforced on DAG-level but on pool level

  • So when you take 2 (or more) dags into picture (both accessing same external resource) then a valid use-case could be that you want to promote all tasks of one dag over other one
  • To realize this, all tasks of first dag can be a single value of priority_weight which is higher than that of tasks in second dag.
like image 56
y2k-shubham Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 06:10
