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Can Vim NerdTree be used as a buffer explorer




I have been using vim NerdTree for sometime now. One thought came to my mind and i am not sure if it is possible so seeking the help of experts.

Can Nerdtree show the list of open buffers say something like :NerdtreeBuffers

I know there is BufferExplorer but i dont like it for the simple fact that i have to pre-define if i want the buffer in a tab/split/vsplit

Nerdtree is awesome ... i just need one command and then from the list i can open it however i want.

like image 481
justrajdeep Avatar asked Mar 22 '23 09:03


1 Answers

No, NERDTree doesn't have any buffer list/exploration properties. I like Buffergator (GitHub) for quick buffer listing & selection. By default, it operates similarly to NERDTree, opening a left vertical split and allowing you to navigate to a buffer and hit enter to jump to it. It also supports opening buffers in vertical/horizontal splits, and other basic functionality. CtrlP is also handy. It does fuzzy find on files, but can also limit itself to open buffers.

like image 77
Jim Stewart Avatar answered Apr 02 '23 07:04

Jim Stewart