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Can Travis CI generate a badge for a specific Matrix configuration?



I am testing my library against two different versions of my SDK: the stable SDK and the dev SDK. Specifically: https://travis-ci.org/google/serialization.dart

I expect my library to pass its tests with the stable SDK. However, the tests might fail with the dev SDK because the dev SDK might be broken.

I'd like to display two badges to my users, to clearly indicate that "yes, the build failed, but it was just the dev SDK".

Is this possible? Thanks!

like image 970
Seth Ladd Avatar asked Sep 18 '14 03:09

Seth Ladd

1 Answers

This open source web app can create badges for a matrix build: https://github.com/bjfish/travis-matrix-badges

like image 196
Brandon Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 14:10
