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Can the input with attr "x-webkit-speech" be with language other than English?

Currently, the Chrome x-webkit-speech seems only works well with English, can it be with other languages?

like image 937
airbai Avatar asked May 02 '11 07:05


2 Answers

You can also add the lang attribute to your <input> element:

<input  type="text"  lang="es-MX"  x-webkit-speech  speech  onwebkitspeechchange="this.form.submit();" />

This way you can have multiple controls in different languges in your page.


like image 55
victmo Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 00:11


Add an attribute to <body> like

<body lang="zh-Hans">

No official doc for this point, just my practice.

like image 30
airbai Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 00:11
