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Google chrome incognito's slow-down behavior

I wonder if anyone could help me explain this weird thing. I've used Google Chrome incognito mode for a few days, but I observe that it causes the entire performance to slow down and often time unresponsive and even crashes for no reason.

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Goldie Avatar asked Jul 23 '16 22:07


1 Answers

Ubuntu 16.04 TLS Chrome 58.0.3029.81 (64-bit)

Had same issue with incognito tab. If smth opened in incognito, others instances of chrome start lagging/crashing/not responding. According to this article Google Chrome Forum step 1 helped me in solving this issue.

  1. Uncheck Use hardware acceleration (Menu> Settings> Show Advanced Settings > System menu).

After this everything is smooth and flying :)

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Konstantin Danenkov Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 05:11

Konstantin Danenkov