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Can the Google Apps Script Execution API be called by a service account?

I'd like to use a service account to access a Google Sheet via the Apps Script Execution API, but it's not clear from the documentation whether this is supported.

The steps I've tried (which result in a 403 status from the Execution API) are:

  1. Create a new (unbound) Apps Script
  2. Visit the linked Developer Console project
  3. Enable the Execution API
  4. Create a new service account within the same project (downloading the generated JSON file)
  5. Create a new Google Sheet and share it with the service account's email address (this is the step I'm least sure about)
  6. Write an apps script function that reads from the spreadsheet
  7. Run the script manually from the Script Editor (to set the scopes on the script correctly)
  8. Publish the script ("Deploy as API executable"), making it accessible to 'anyone'
  9. Mint a new OAuth2 token using the service account and the scopes linked to the script (in our case just 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/spreadsheets')
  10. Attempt to make a call to the Execution API using the token

This is the response I got:

  "error": {
    "code": 403,
    "message": "The caller does not have permission",
    "status": "PERMISSION_DENIED"

Does this not work because Service Accounts are never able to access the Execution API? Or is there something wrong with the steps above?

like image 904
Stephen L Avatar asked Oct 23 '15 15:10

Stephen L

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As defined on cloud.google.com, a service account is a special type of Google account intended to represent a non-human user that needs to authenticate and be authorized to access data in Google APIs. Typically, service accounts are used in scenarios such as: Running workloads on virtual machines (VMs).

Is Google Apps Script an API?

The Google Apps Script API lets you programmatically create, modify, and deploy Apps Script projects—actions that otherwise require you to use the Apps Script editor. Your apps can use the API to manage your script projects, create and deploy new script versions, and monitor script executions.

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OAuth application user limits Applications that use OAuth to access Google user data, including Apps Script projects, are subject to authorization limits.

1 Answers

Your original 403 error indicates that you have incorrectly set up authentication for your service account. However, even if you get that working, as of now (10 Nov 2015) you cannot execute Apps Scripts via the Service Account.

It's a known bug, and is being tracked in the Apps Scripts Issue Tracker.

like image 141
Party Ark Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 13:09

Party Ark