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Initiate a download from google apps script

I added a new menu item to my spreadsheet using google apps script. This menu item creates a file, but I'd like for it to initiate the download of the file after creating it.

Is this possible?

Remember, this is not a web app, but a menu item in my spreadsheet.



Thanks to Serge insas' suggestion, the following simple script works perfectly, and opens a download window with the link I need:

function onOpen() {
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var csvMenuEntries = [ {name: "Zip all CSVs", functionName: "saveAsCSV"} ];
  ss.addMenu("CSV", csvMenuEntries);

function saveAsCSV() {
  var folder = createCSVs(); // creates a folder with CSV for each Sheet
  var zipFile = zipCSVs(folder, "DI.zip"); // creates a zip of all CSVs in folder

  var ui = UiApp.createApplication().setTitle("Download");
  var p = ui.createVerticalPanel();
  p.add(ui.createAnchor("Download", zipFile.getDownloadUrl()));
like image 630
tbkn23 Avatar asked Nov 29 '13 08:11


People also ask

What is trigger in Google App Script?

Triggers let Apps Script run a function automatically when a certain event, like opening a document, occurs. Simple triggers are a set of reserved functions built into Apps Script, like the function onOpen(e) , which executes when a user opens a Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, or Forms file.

How do I run a Google App Script from a worksheet?

Enable the Google Sheets APIOpen the Apps Script project. Click Editor code. Next to Services, click Add a service add . Select Google Sheets API and click Add.

1 Answers

OP's answer is deprecated (in 2021), so I made a more general purpose one based on it.

Apologies it requires 2 files in the Apps Script instead of just 1 - Google be like that.


// Runs when the spreadsheet starts, adds a tab at the top
function onOpen() {
  var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
  ui.createMenu('Script Menu')
    .addItem('Download a file!', 'dlFile')

// Run when you click "Download a file!"
function dlFile() {
  let file = DriveApp.getRootFolder().createFile('Hi.txt', 'Hello, world!');

  // Create little HTML popup with the URL of the download
  let htmlTemplate = HtmlService.createTemplateFromFile('Download.html');
  htmlTemplate.dataFromServerTemplate = { url: file.getDownloadUrl() };

  let html = htmlTemplate

    .showModalDialog(html, 'Download');


<!DOCTYPE html>
      let data = <?!= JSON.stringify(dataFromServerTemplate) ?>; // Stores the data directly in the javascript code

      function downloadFile() {
        document.getElementById("dlBtn").innerText = "Downloading..";

        window.open(data.url, '_blank');

        document.getElementById("dlBtn").disabled = true;
    <button id="dlBtn" onclick="downloadFile()">Download</button>
like image 190
Dr-Bracket Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 18:09
