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Can std::begin work with array parameters and if so, how?

I have trouble using std::begin() and std::end() (from the iterator library) with c-style array parameters.

void SetOrigin(const double i_point[3]) {
  Vector v;

This results in the following error with Visual Studio 2010 (and similar for end):

error C2784: '_Ty *std::begin(_Ty (&)[_Size])' : could not deduce template argument for '_Ty (&)[_Size]' from 'const double []'
1>          c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 10.0\vc\include\xutility(995) : see declaration of 'std::begin'

Changing the parameter to non-const gives same result.

Trying to specify the parameter as

std::begin<const double, 3>(i_point), 
std::end<const double, 3>(i_point),


error C2664: '_Ty *std::begin<const double,3>(_Ty (&)[3])' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'const double []' to 'const double (&)[3]'

Is it just not possible to use std::begin on array parameters because they decay to pointers? Is there a trick to get around this or is it best just to not use the iterator functions on array parameters?

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A.E. Drew Avatar asked Nov 18 '13 22:11

A.E. Drew

3 Answers

Yes, std::begin and std::end can work with parameters that are C style arrays.

The trick is in passing a parameter that's a C style array. When you specify a 1D array as a normal parameter to a normal function, its type is silently adjusted from "array of T" to "pointer to T". When you call that function, what gets passed isn't the array (as an array), but a pointer to the first element of the array.

It is, however, possible to pass an array by reference to a function template:

template <class T, size_t N>
void function(T (&array)[N]) {
   // function body here

In this case, where you're passing an actual array (albeit, by reference) rather than a pointer, you can use std::begin and std::end perfectly well. For example:

template <class T, size_t N>
T sum(T (&array)[N]) { 
    return std::accumulate(std::begin(array), std::end(array), T());

Now passing an array is trivial, such as:

int array[] = {1, 2, 3, 4};

auto total = sum(array);

std::begin and std::end themselves are (or at least can be) implemented similarly to sum--the array is passed by reference, so they can look something like this:

template <class T, size_t N>
T *begin(T (&array)[N]) { 
    return array; 

template <class T, size_t N>
T *end(T (&array)[N]) {
    return array + N;

Note that although these were added to the standard more recently, they don't require any particularly tricky use of templates, so the implementation above should work fine with a plain old C++98 compiler (and, if memory serves, even with pre-standard compilers such as VC++ 6).

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Jerry Coffin Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 03:10

Jerry Coffin

First off, note that the parameter declaration const double i_point[3] is absolutely equivalent to const double* i_point. That is, the function takes any pointer to double const independent of the number of elements pointed to. As a result, it doesn't know the size and std::begin() and std::end() can't deduce the size (well, std::begin() doesn't really need to deduce the size anyway).

If you really want to use std::begin() and std::end() you need to pass an array with three element or a reference to such a beast. Since you cannot pass arrays by value, your best bet is to pass it by reference:

void SetOrigin(double const (&i_point)[3]) {
    // ...

This function only accepts arrays with exactly three elements as arguments: You cannot pass a pointer to three doubles or a part of a bigger array. In return, you can now use std::begin() and std::end().

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Dietmar Kühl Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 01:10

Dietmar Kühl

void SetOrigin(const double i_point[3])

is as same as

void SetOrigin(const double i_point[])


void SetOrigin(const double *i_point)

So, std::begin and std::end can not accept it. In C++ you can not pass an array but as a pointer or reference. If it's a pointer then it doesn't carry any information of passed array.

Your alternatives are std::vector or std::array.

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masoud Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 02:10
