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Can SparkContext and StreamingContext co-exist in the same program?

I am trying to set up a Sparkstreaming code which reads line from the Kafka server but processes it using rules written in another local file. I am creating streamingContext for the streaming data and sparkContext for other applying all other spark features - like string manipulation, reading local files etc

val sparkConf = new SparkConf().setMaster("local[*]").setAppName("ReadLine")
val ssc = new StreamingContext(sparkConf, Seconds(15))

    val topicMap = topics.split(",").map((_, numThreads.toInt)).toMap
    val lines = KafkaUtils.createStream(ssc, zkQuorum, group, topicMap).map(_._2)
    val sentence = lines.toString

    val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("Bi Gram").setMaster("local[2]")
    val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
    val stringRDD = sc.parallelize(Array(sentence))

But this throws the following error

Exception in thread "main" org.apache.spark.SparkException: Only one SparkContext may be running in this JVM (see SPARK-2243). To ignore this error, set spark.driver.allowMultipleContexts = true. The currently running SparkContext was created at:
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maddie Avatar asked Nov 16 '16 02:11


People also ask

What should be done to stop only the StreamingContext and not the Sparkcontext?

Only one StreamingContext can be active in a JVM at the same time. stop() on StreamingContext also stops the SparkContext. To stop only the StreamingContext, set the optional parameter of stop() called stopSparkContext to false.

What is Sparkcontext and SparkConf?

Sparkcontext is the entry point for spark environment. For every sparkapp you need to create the sparkcontext object. In spark 2 you can use sparksession instead of sparkcontext. Sparkconf is the class which gives you the various option to provide configuration parameters.

Is Spark Streaming real time?

Spark Streaming is an extension of the core Spark API that allows data engineers and data scientists to process real-time data from various sources including (but not limited to) Kafka, Flume, and Amazon Kinesis. This processed data can be pushed out to file systems, databases, and live dashboards.

2 Answers

One application can only have ONE SparkContext. StreamingContext is created on SparkContext. Just need to create ssc StreamingContext using SparkContext

val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
val ssc = new StreamingContext(sc, Seconds(15))

If using the following constructor.

StreamingContext(conf: SparkConf, batchDuration: Duration)

It internally create another SparkContext

this(StreamingContext.createNewSparkContext(conf), null, batchDuration)

the SparkContext can get from StreamingContext by

like image 200
Rockie Yang Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 20:10

Rockie Yang

yes you can do it you have to first start spark session and

then use its context to start any number of streaming context

val spark = SparkSession.builder().appName("someappname").

val ssc = new StreamingContext(spark.sparkContext, Seconds(1))


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imran Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 18:10
