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Can SourceTree show diff side-by-side

I started to use SourchTree recently.

The default format of the diff is to use "-" or "+" to show changes.
I like to have 2 files side-by-side and show the change line to line.

However, I cannot find the option to change the format. Can you help?

like image 653
user1443721 Avatar asked Dec 12 '16 05:12


People also ask

How do I find the difference between two branches in SourceTree?

Another way to do this is to right-click on a branch and select the "Diff against current" context menu command (current refers to the branch you are currently working on). This will give you the diff between the head commits of the two branches.

How do I set the diff tool in SourceTree?

SourceTree config First, open up the options window and go to Diff tab. Change both External Diff Tool and Merge Tool to Custom. In the Diff Command field enter the full path to the vsdiffmerge.exe. For VS 2015 and below you can find it in the Visual Studio installation folder, under Common7\IDE subfolder.

What is diff against current SourceTree?

Compare two branches using Sourcetree After clicking on “Diff Against Current”, you will be presented with the list of differences between your files, whether they are in your working tree or if they are in your index already.

2 Answers

No, I really hope to see that feature in some of the future releases.

like image 190
Filip Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 19:09


If you don't see any "side-by-side diff" button on the diff view, then a good workaround is to setup a difftool in your SourceTree.

See for instance "How to use Meld as a merge tool with SourceTree on Windows?".

Using an external diff tool (supporting natively a side-by-side view) is more reliable than the native tool options here.

like image 42
VonC Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 19:09
