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How to remove git repository created on desktop

I accidentally made my Desktop a git repository. How to remove the git-related files from Desktop?

  • I have tried to go to C:/User/my_user/Desktop and un-hide hidden git files but couldn't un-hide them.
  • Then I tried to delete the files using Windows Powershell but it isn't listing these files either.
  • I have also tried finding options in GitExtensions for some option to delete the git files but couldn't find any such option.
  • Couldn't find option in Git GUI

There is a git repository for sure because I can use GitEx Browse option in the right click menu.

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Aseem Bansal Avatar asked Jun 28 '13 16:06

Aseem Bansal

People also ask

How do I remove a Git repository from my desktop?

On GitHub.com, navigate to the main page of the repository. Under your repository name, click Settings. Under Danger Zone, click Delete this repository.

How do I remove a Git repository?

If you want to disconnect your app from the Git repository, click Settings and hit the delete icon next to the remote URL. It will take you to the disconnection window, ensuring that you want to delete the connection.

Can we delete Git repository?

You can delete any repository or fork if you're the organization owner or if you have admin permissions for that repository or fork.

1 Answers

remove the hidden folder named .git from your Desktop

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Guillermo Maschwitz Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 23:09

Guillermo Maschwitz