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Can site users change cookie or session data?

In some of my posts, when I have stored user information in cookies, all the comments and answers have said something like, "... answer to problem ... but DON'T USE COOKIES TO STORE USER INFORMATION. IT'S INSECURE."

In one of my test websites, I store a cookie called "user" that holds the logged in user's username, as well as a session variable. I know this may be personal information, but on the webpage it says the username, so would it really matter?

It would matter if a hacker could get onto my website to change the value of the "user" cookie and session, and log into someone's account without their username.

Is this possible? If so, how?

Also, if I need to update my security, how would I have an option of "Stay Logged In" without a cookie?

Thanks for any help.

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Jonathan Lam Avatar asked May 03 '14 20:05

Jonathan Lam

People also ask

Can users change session data?

The $_SESSION is stored entirely on the server, so the user cannot modify it.

Can a user change cookies?

Cookies are stored on the client. The user can therefore change them if they want to. Session information is stored on the server. That means the user can not change it.

Can client change session variables?

No. @George Korac: Yes. It is possible for a user to change a variable so if you're using normal PHP sessions - no you can't trust a user's input.

Can session be modified?

A user cannot modify PHP sessions on the server. They can only forge a legitimate cookie and masquerade as a logged-in user - but that will require them to steal a valid cookie in the first place.

1 Answers

Yes, Cookies are stored in Client Side and can be retouched

so how to prevent intruders from modifying data? i want to introduce two mechanism for this:

Store in Session, access with Cookie

because Http is a stateless protocol, server will save a cookie usually name session_id and client will send it with every request. with this mechanism server finds out which user is requesting.

server can store user data in so called Session Variable and can access them Only In Server and Client CAN NOT Modify them.


on server`s session storage (disk, db or ram):

27: ["username" => "foo"]
35: ["username" => "bar"]
95: ["username" => "fuzz"]

on each client`s cookie:

client 1:

"session_id" : 27

client 2:

"session_id" : 35

client 3:

"session_id" : 95

this method has a Downward :

Every data have to store in server, and it can consume server`s space.

Store in Cookie, access with Key

another approach is to store data in users cookie, but before storing them, Encrypt them with a key.

since they are Encrypted and Client hasn't access the key, intruders couldn`t make any valid change in data.

in this approach you have to only store the Encryption Key on the server.

it dosen't consumes server's space (disk or ram)

Downward : since every data are sending from client in every http request. it consumes Server's Bandwidth.

for Example: Laravel Framework's Cookie are Encrypted.

like image 151
Abilogos Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 12:10
