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Can pytest run tests within a test class?




I have a bunch of tests which I decided to put within a class, sample code is below:

class IntegrationTests:

    async def test_job(self):
        assert await do_stuff()

However, when I try to run the tests: pipenv run pytest -v -m integrationtest, they are not detected at all, where I got the following before moving them to a class:

5 passed, 4 deselected in 0.78 seconds

I now get this:

2 passed, 4 deselected in 0.51 seconds

Why does pytest not detect these tests? Are test classes not supported?

like image 259
JohnEye Avatar asked Dec 23 '22 03:12


2 Answers

The name of the class needs to start with Test for the pytest discovery to find it.

class TestIntegration:

    async def test_job(self):
        assert await do_stuff()

See Conventions for Python test discovery

like image 175
Gary van der Merwe Avatar answered Jan 13 '23 10:01

Gary van der Merwe

Create a pytest.ini

From the docs:

In case you need to change the naming convention for test files, classes and tests, you can create a file pytest.ini, and set the options python_files, python_classes, and python_functions:


# content of pytest.ini
# Example 1: have pytest look for "check" instead of "test"
# can also be defined in tox.ini or setup.cfg file, although the section
# name in setup.cfg files should be "tool:pytest"
python_files = check_*.py
python_classes = *Tests
python_functions = *_check

In your case, if you don't want to change the name of the class IntegrationTests, set python_classes to *Tests.

Running tests inside a class

pytest /path/to/test_file_name.py::ClassName

Running a test inside a class

pytest /path/to/test_file_name.py::ClassName::test_name
like image 28
lmiguelvargasf Avatar answered Jan 13 '23 10:01
