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Can numbers be rounded (math term) using LESS CSS?



LESS CSS = http://lesscss.org/

I declared a variable, like this... @height: 30px

Then I used a simple calculation, like this... line-height: @height * .666

It returns 19.98px but I wanted an even 20px

So, does LESS CSS have a way to round numbers up or down?

like image 835
Kirkland Avatar asked Jul 05 '13 18:07


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Description. LESS maps JavaScript code with manipulation of values and uses predefined functions to manipulate HTML elements aspects in the style sheet. It provides several functions to manipulate colors such as round function, floor function, ceil function, percentage function etc.

1 Answers

Yes they can:

line-height: ceil(@height * .666);      // 20px (round up)
line-height: floor(@height * .666);    // 19px (round down)
line-height: round(@height * .666);     // 20px (round to closest integer)
line-height: round(@height * .666, 1);  // 20.0px (round to 1 decimal place)
like image 94
Paul Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 02:10
