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Twitter bootstrap, buttons hover style?

I am trying to use gradient style for my buttons, but, I have a problem with hover style, Here is the button before hover:

enter image description here

And here is after hover:

enter image description here

Here is haml of button:

= link_to '#', {:class=>'tour_btn btn btn-large btn-primary', :style=>'margin-left: 10px; width: 105px;'} do
          Take a Tour


.tour_btn {
    #gradient > .vertical(#F98C51, #a35b35);

Any idea please ? is it possible to specify another gradient style for hover state ? Or at least, not to change button when hover ?

like image 396
simo Avatar asked Sep 19 '12 19:09


People also ask

How can change hover effect in bootstrap button?

Bootstrap Primary Button Hover Color In Bootstrap, a “primary” button is created by adding classes btn and btn-primary to a button element. If you desire to change the styling for the primary button, simply target the . btn-primary class in your CSS file.

How do I toggle a button in bootstrap?

Add data-toggle="buttons" to a . btn-group containing those modified buttons to enable their toggling behavior via JavaScript and add . btn-group-toggle to style the <input> s within your buttons. Note that you can create single input-powered buttons or groups of them.

1 Answers

Twitter Bootstrap animates the background-position on hover with a transition (since background-gradients cant have a transition). What is happening in your case, is the background-gradient is getting shifted up with background-position: -15px, and you are seeing the background-color underneath.

To fix this set your background-color to the bottom color of your button gradient on hover:

.tour_btn {
    #gradient > .vertical(#F98C51, #a35b35);
    &:hover { background-color: #a35b35 }
like image 176
Kostia Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 03:09
