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Can not view all tables in *.accdb file




I suppose that my question will be considered silly, but I'm really stuck.

How can I view all tables in the *.accdb file?

I use Microsoft Access from Office 14 to open and edit that file. Then I go to the Database Tools tab and select Relationships, where I expect to see all the tables, but actually I can't.

I see there some tables and even saved queries. And some of these queries use tables, that I can not find.

I'm newbie to the Access, but have to make some edits to the database.

UPD: Somehow I've managed to view necessary tables through the maze of Object dependencies. Is there a more simple way?

like image 881
Gino Pane Avatar asked Mar 18 '23 03:03

Gino Pane

2 Answers

It sounds like some tables are set as Hidden and you don't have the View Hidden Objects setting checked.

Press F11 to show the navigation pane if it is hidden. While that is open, right-click the top of the bar and choose Navigation Options. In the next screen, you'll see an area Display Options, whose first checkbox is Show Hidden Objects. This will allow you to see greyed icons for hidden tables in the navigation pane. It also adds the names of hidden tables to the "Show table..." box in the Relationships.

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pteranodon Avatar answered Mar 30 '23 20:03


In relationships right click anywhere in the empty box, show table, select all tables, click add

like image 32
phil652 Avatar answered Mar 30 '23 20:03
