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Can not locate config makefile for product "cm_oneplus2"

I've been trying to build AOSP ROM for OnePlus Two.

  1. I've made a working-dir folder in my ubuntu's home. Installed all required tools and scripts like, java, python, make, git and some lib files.

  2. I've downloaded compressed sources(No .repo folder included), so I've only aosp5.1.0 folder with me. I've downloaded them form here. (Heavily Compressed Android Sources). Extracted them to working-dir using terminal.

  3. I've cloned device tree from this repository

https://github.com/krishna422/android_device_oneplus_oneplus2 into working-dir/device/oneplus/oneplus2

  1. I've cloned kernel source from this repository

https://github.com/krishna422/android_kernel_oneplus_msm8994 into working-dir/kernel/oneplus/oneplus2

  1. I've cloned vendor tree from this repository

https://github.com/krishna422/proprietary_vendor_oneplus into working-dir/vendor/oneplus/oneplus2

So the files in working-dir are,

aosp5.1.0, device, kernel, vendor

files in aosp5.1.0 are

Files in aosp5.1.0 Screenshot

I've copied

working-dir/device/oneplus/ folder into aosp5.1.0/device

then, I opened cmd, navigated to aosp5.1.0 folder typed source build/envsetup.sh

I got

krishna@krishna:~/working-dir/aosp5.1.0$ source build/envsetup.sh

including device/generic/mini-emulator-armv7-a-neon/vendorsetup.sh
including device/generic/mini-emulator-arm64/vendorsetup.sh
including device/generic/mini-emulator-x86_64/vendorsetup.sh
including device/generic/mini-emulator-x86/vendorsetup.sh
including device/generic/mini-emulator-mips/vendorsetup.sh
including evice/oneplus/android_device_oneplus_oneplus2/vendorsetup.sh
including sdk/bash_completion/adb.bash

then I typed lunch I got,

krishna@krishna:~/working-dir/aosp5.1.0$ lunch
You're building on Linux

Lunch menu... pick a combo:
     1. aosp_arm-eng
     2. aosp_arm64-eng
     3. aosp_mips-eng
     4. aosp_mips64-eng
     5. aosp_x86-eng
     6. aosp_x86_64-eng
     7. m_e_arm-userdebug
     8. mini_emulator_arm64-userdebug
     9. mini_emulator_x86_64-userdebug
     10. mini_emulator_x86-userdebug
     11. mini_emulator_mips-userdebug
     12. cm_oneplus2-user
     13. cm_oneplus2-userdebug
     14. cm_oneplus2-eng

Which would you like?

when I selected 12,13,14, I get the following error, others are working well.

build/core/product_config.mk:222: *** Can not locate config makefile for product "cm_oneplus2".  Stop.

** Don't have a product spec for: 'cm_oneplus2'
** Do you have the right repo manifest?


Please help

like image 931
user5826312 Avatar asked Jan 27 '16 07:01


1 Answers

You need to have a file called AndroidProducts.mk in your device tree. Put something like the following in it.


It should match what you have in the vendorsetup.sh and the oneplus2.mk should exist.

See the example in the LineageOS repo


like image 109
opticyclic Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 11:09
