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How to redirect back to Android app?

I need to open a Custom Chrome tab that brings the user to my website, and then redirects the user back to the app. Its similar to launching a page for OAuth.

Here is what the Android side looks like...

AndroidManifest.xml (adds intent filter to activity for listening to URI)

<activity android:name=".app.MyActivity"

            <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
            <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
            <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
            <data android:scheme="mytest" />


Activity.java (launches custom chrome tab)

private void goToSite() {
    CustomTabsIntent.Builder intentBuilder = new CustomTabsIntent.Builder();
    int toolbarColor = getResources().getColor(R.color.primary);
    intentBuilder.setToolbarColor(toolbarColor);vice_key(), shared().getAccessToken());
    intentBuilder.build().launchUrl(this, Uri.parse("https://example.com/some-page"));

On my server, the user completes a form and is eventually brought to a page that is supposed to redirect them back into the app...


<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
    var redirectToApp = function() {
        setTimeout(function appNotInstalled() {
        }, 100);
    window.onload = redirectToApp;

But I am not being redirected to the app. I suspect something is wrong with my server code because a similar setup (the manifest and activity code) works when dealing with OAuth pages. What is wrong with my server code? How can I troubleshoot this?


The Android side appears to be correct - Changing the server code to <a href="mytest://other/parameters/here">GO TO APP</a> appears to work but I need a way that does not involve clicking a link


The code above actually works :/

Because I was in a Chrome custom tab I was redirecting to the page I was already at (because the Chroms custom tab activity is considered to be in-app). This made me think no redirect was occurring. Tristan's comment helped me realize this

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Daiwik Daarun Avatar asked Jan 14 '16 19:01

Daiwik Daarun

1 Answers

You can simply use Javascript as explained in This answer.

Basically you'll be making a link with an

<a href="intent://example.com#Intent;scheme=http;package=com.example.mypackage;end">

in which package = your package name

For more information, see this question Open android application from a web page

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Tristan Wiley Avatar answered Nov 27 '22 06:11

Tristan Wiley