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Can Meteor run with a Microsoft back end (ie EF and ASP.net MVC)

Perhaps like some of you, I am inundated by the number of JavaScript MV* out there. When I thought I was going KO, I found Backbone, then Ember.

I recently saw some demos on Meteor and I am extremely impressed. But I know nothing of Mongo and I "think" Meteor requires it. (http://www.meteor.com/screencast)

I am too heavily invested in Entity Framework & ASP.net MVC to move away from them but Meteor looks like a terrific client side MV*.

Does anyone know if Meteor can work with a Microsoft back end (ie EF and ASP.net MVC)?



Yes I see the NuGet package for MongoDb, but truth be told I am only interested in Meteor. Is it a both or nothing situation? Meteor looks like bleeding edge and I really would appreciate any links to documentation on its use with a MS backend.

like image 637
aaa Avatar asked Oct 01 '12 02:10


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1 Answers

For anyone still reading this in 2013 or later - it's now possible to run Node.js on Windows under IIS (just install the support with the Web Platform Installer).

There's also versions of Meteor and MongoDB for Windows and Meteor supports deploying a bundle that will run under "pure" node.js

like image 109
Monkey Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 06:11
