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Can LINQ to SQL generated objects be decoupled?

I like LINQ to SQL, but it seems like the classes it generates are tightly coupled to the database they are stored in, which seems like a Bad Thing.

For example, using ye olde Northwind database, if I create the dbml with the Products table, a Product class is generated. I can use this class in any other tier, which is all well and good, but if I decide I'd rather use plain old ADO.NET (or switch databases), I'll have to recreate the Product class, along with every other "model."

Is there a way around this? Or to create your object models separately, and then have the tables mapped to them? I've played around with the various mapping classes provided, but haven't found a satisfactory answer yet.

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swilliams Avatar asked Oct 21 '08 18:10


4 Answers

All these answers and no links! Maybe I can help:

The attributes thing that damieng mentioned

The partial class thing that Marcus King mentioned

I have languished through this difficulty a couple of times, what I ended up doing on my last project was using interfaces as the contract that's shared between all of the different projects in the solution, and having the partial classes implement it.

public partial class Product: IProduct { }

And yes, unfortunately it took some reflection magic to make it work for the POCO implementation.

In the end, if you are truly concerned about it, I'd go with NHibernate (I don't really like it either), which does exactly what Garry Shulter seems to be describing.

Hope that helps!

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Zachary Yates Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 00:10

Zachary Yates

My team fought with this issue recently. I really wanted to maintain "persistence ignorance", meaning that domain objects could be created as plain old C# objects, without being forced to inherit from a certain base class or clutter up the class with a bunch of attributes. Like you said, we wanted to be able to modify the persistence layer independently of the business model.

In the end, we decided that LINQ isn't the way to go if you want persistence ignorance. We end up writing way too much mapping code to convert between the LINQ layer and our business layer. When we started writing a bunch of reflection-based code to try and do these mappings automatically we realized we were sliding down the rabbit hole, with little to show for it.

If persistence ignorance is important to you, you might be better served with a full-fledged ORM like NHIbernate.

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Seth Petry-Johnson Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 02:10

Seth Petry-Johnson

Linq to SQL (or EF) is not about persistence-ignorance. It is about an object view of data.

NHibernate is the persistence-ignorance ORM you may be looking for.

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yfeldblum Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 01:10


I've recently achieved this by creating the POCOs myself and manually creating a XML mapping file for the database. It requires a bit of manual work but it gives the desired effect.

Here's a blog post I found useful to get you started.

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Garry Shutler Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 01:10

Garry Shutler