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can linq expression be case insensitive

i am leveraging this project to use jqgrid to filter and sort collections. The one missing feature is that this example is not doing case insensitive search which i need.

So if a user types in "Test" i want it to match with "TEST", "TeST", etc . .

i have code that looks like this:

            case WhereOperation.Equal:
                condition = Expression.Equal(memberAccessToString, filter);
                lambda = Expression.Lambda(condition, parameter);
            case WhereOperation.NotEqual:
                condition = Expression.NotEqual(memberAccessToString, filter);
                lambda = Expression.Lambda(condition, parameter);
            case WhereOperation.Contains:
                condition = Expression.Call(memberAccessToString,
                lambda = Expression.Lambda(condition, parameter);

is there anyway to have these checks below being case insensitive so "Test" would equal "TEST"

like image 554
leora Avatar asked Mar 14 '11 22:03


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LINQ has no concept of case sensitivity, it only cares about boolean evaluation. So if you want to ignore case, you should do something like: query = query.

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Contains() method in C# is case sensitive. And there is not StringComparison parameter available similar to Equals() method, which helps to compare case insensitive.

1 Answers

You could convert both values to lowercase before doing the comparison. Here's an example for Contains:

case WhereOperation.Contains:
    var toLower = Expression.Call(memberAccessToString,
                                  typeof(string).GetMethod("ToLower", System.Type.EmptyTypes));
    condition = Expression.Call(toLower,
    lambda = Expression.Lambda(condition, parameter);

Note, however, that this won't pass the Turkey test.

like image 104
Heinzi Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 01:10
