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Can IntelliJ's Run/Debug configurations have prompts for input?

i was wondering, if i can configure a run configuration (like executing a ruby script on a deployment server) with a prompt for parameters on starting the config. Like it does for starting rake tasks from the 'Run Rake Task...' after selecting a task.

I couldn't find anything in the run/debug config view and with a google search.

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jume Avatar asked Oct 20 '17 09:10


1 Answers

I recently found out that this feature is in fact implemented, kind of. On the Run/Debug Configurations page there is a checkbox at the bottom called "Show this page". If you check this, everytime you want to start the config, you get a somewhat smaller version of the config page, letting you edit for example arguments and stuff.

Serves me quite well and yes, it is not fully what i need, but it does the job.

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jume Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 10:11
