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Can I use one ng-app inside another one in AngularJS


I have two ng-app like ;

<div ng-app="app1" >     somexpression        <div ng-app="app2">         some more expression     </div> </div> 

is there any way to make it work? when I make a nested ng-app it doesn't work

I know that I can use two different controller but I don't want to use two controllers ---- EDIT -----

The thing is;

 angular.module('AppName', [             'angular-carousel'         ]) 

SO I need somehow to change this ng-app to directive

like image 437
zyrag Avatar asked Mar 21 '14 01:03


People also ask

Can angular applications ng-app be nested within each other?

AngularJS applications cannot be nested within each other. Do not use a directive that uses transclusion on the same element as ngApp . This includes directives such as ngIf , ngInclude and ngView .

Can we use multiple Ng-app in AngularJS?

Only one ngApp directive can be auto-bootloaded per HTML Document but you can have multiple apps as long as you manually bootstrap the subsequent ones.

Can we have multiple Ng controller?

If you really want to have two ng-controllers across a page you can do by separating divs. I have add some of my app. js codings in to the above post. I have two .

Can we have nested controllers in AngularJS?

Nested Controllers: AngularJS allows using nested controllers. It means that you have specified a controller in an HTML element which is a child of another HTML element using another controller.

2 Answers

From the AngularJS document, the answer is no


AngularJS applications cannot be nested within each other.

And if not nested, then it's OK, someone already asked this question, refer here:AngularJS Multiple ng-app within a page and the AnguarJS document


Only one AngularJS application can be auto-bootstrapped per HTML document. The first ngApp found in the document will be used to define the root element to auto-bootstrap as an application. To run multiple applications in an HTML document you must manually bootstrap them using angular.bootstrap instead.

like image 119
xiaoboa Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 02:10


I found one tricky solution for this problem. The idea is that the "host" application have to somehow jump over the root element of nested application. I used directive for this:

    angular.module("ng").directive("ngIsolateApp", function() {         return {             "scope" : {},             "restrict" : "AEC",             "compile" : function(element, attrs) {                 // removing body                 var html = element.html();                 element.html('');                 return function(scope, element) {                     // destroy scope                     scope.$destroy();                     // async                     setTimeout(function() {                         // prepare root element for new app                         var newRoot = document.createElement("div");                         newRoot.innerHTML = html;                         // bootstrap module                         angular.bootstrap(newRoot, [attrs["ngIsolateApp"]]);                         // add it to page                         element.append(newRoot);                     });                 }             }         }     }); 

Example simple app:

// module definition     angular.module("testMod1",[])         .service("moduleService", function ModuleService() {             this.counter = 0;             this.getCounter = function() {                 return this.counter;             };             this.incCounter = function() {                 this.counter += 1;             }         })         .controller("ModuleCtrl", function(moduleService) {                 this.getValue = function() {                     return moduleService.getCounter();                 };                 this.incValue = function() {                     moduleService.incCounter();                 };             }); 

Now in the markup we can use the ng-isolate-app:

<!-- App instance 1 --> <body ng-app="testMod1">  <div ng-controller="ModuleCtrl as ctrl">     {{ctrl.getValue()}}     <button ng-click="ctrl.incValue()">Click</button>     <!-- App instance 2 -->     <div ng-isolate-app="testMod1">         <div ng-controller="ModuleCtrl as ctrl">             {{ctrl.getValue()}}             <button ng-click="ctrl.incValue()">Click</button>             <!-- App instance 3 -->             <div ng-isolate-app="testMod1">                 <div  ng-controller="ModuleCtrl as ctrl">                     {{ctrl.getValue()}}                     <button ng-click="ctrl.incValue()">Click</button>                 </div>             </div>         </div>     </div> </div> </body> 

Working example on plnkr

This works in simple cases, I do not know how this will work on complex applications.

like image 22
majo Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 00:10
