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Rails 4. Migrate table id to UUID


I have a table: db/migrate/20140731201801_create_voc_brands.rb:

class CreateVocBrands < ActiveRecord::Migration   def change     create_table :voc_brands do |t|       t.string :name        t.timestamps     end   end end 

But I need to change table to this(if I would create it from zero):

class CreateVocBrands < ActiveRecord::Migration   def change     create_table :voc_brands, :id => false do |t|       t.uuid :id, :primary_key => true       t.string :name        t.timestamps     end     add_index :voc_brands, :id   end end 

How can I change this using migration?

like image 497
Derk153 Avatar asked Sep 05 '14 08:09


2 Answers

I had the same problem as yours. To migrate from default id to use uuid, I think you could something similar to what I had:

class ChangeVocBrandsPrimaryKey < ActiveRecord::Migration   def change     add_column :voc_brands, :uuid, :uuid, default: "uuid_generate_v4()", null: false      change_table :voc_brands do |t|       t.remove :id       t.rename :uuid, :id     end     execute "ALTER TABLE voc_brands ADD PRIMARY KEY (id);"   end end 
like image 62
willawill Avatar answered Jan 03 '23 11:01


I know migrations are preferred way to made any db change but below approach is awesome. It is possible to use direct queries to PostgreSQL to convert table with existing data.

For primary key:

    ALTER TABLE students         ALTER COLUMN id DROP DEFAULT,         ALTER COLUMN id SET DATA TYPE UUID USING (uuid(lpad(replace(text(id),'-',''), 32, '0'))),         ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4() 

For other references:

    ALTER TABLE students         ALTER COLUMN city_id SET DATA TYPE UUID USING (uuid(lpad(replace(text(city_id),'-',''), 32, '0'))) 

The above left pads the integer value with zeros and converts to a UUID. This approach does not require id mapping and if needed old id could be retrieved.

As there is no data copying, this approach works quite fast.

To handle these and more complicated case of polymorphic associations please use https://github.com/kreatio-sw/webdack-uuid_migration. This gem adds additional helpers to ActiveRecord::Migration to ease these migrations.

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Vaibhav Avatar answered Jan 03 '23 11:01
