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Can I use broadcast or multicast for TCP?

For Internet Protocol (IP) I can use multicast:

  • in IPv4: Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP)
  • in IPv6: Multicast Listener Discovery

Also, in example, for UDP I can use:

  • broadcast - to send packet to range of addresses
  • multicast - to send packet to list of specified addresses

But can I use something of these for TCP?

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Alex Avatar asked Jan 21 '14 18:01


People also ask

Can you broadcast on TCP?

The TCP/IP can send data to all hosts on a local network or to all hosts on all directly connected networks. Such transmissions are called broadcast messages. For example, the routed routing daemon uses broadcast messages to query and respond to routing queries.

Why TCP does not support multicasting and broadcasting?

Why does TCP not support multicast and broadcast? Well this is pretty simple … TCP is a connection oriented protocol. Multicast and broadcast do not really make sense for a connection oriented protocol as it would not be the same on every connection.

Is broadcast UDP or TCP?

TCP doesn't support Broadcasting. UDP supports Broadcasting. TCP is used by HTTP, HTTPs, FTP, SMTP and Telnet. UDP is used by DNS, DHCP, TFTP, SNMP, RIP, and VoIP.

Is UDP multicast or broadcast?

Multicast uses UDP (User Datagram Protocol) for “broadcasting” a stream over a closed IP network such as a LAN (Local Area Network) or an IP Service provider's own network. Multicast streaming of live TV is commonly referred to as IPTV, whereas OTT is unicast over the internet.

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2 Answers

No, you can't. TCP is a protocol for communication between exactly two endpoints. Compared to UDP it features reliable transport, that means, that packets get not only send, but it is expected that the peer acknowledges the receipt of the data and that data will be retransmitted if the acknowledgment is missing. And because Broadcast and Multicast only send but never receive data, the reliability of TCP cannot be implemented on top of these protocols.

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Steffen Ullrich Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 14:10

Steffen Ullrich

I normally don't post here, but I just needed to add a little clarification to the reasoning here. Steffen's answer is correct. No, you cant! perfect. let me answer the rest to say UDP is the right Protocol for sending Multicast and broadcast messages. I I yell out Steffen name in a crowded room, do i want everyone to respond? No way! If TCP was used, Everyone will confirm my packet!

So item two to discuss is reliability.This muddies the answer.UDP is awesome. When people say UDP is unreliable, they don't mean its bad. all they mean is the packet for UDP multicast does not need to hear a response, to confirm delivery. UDP is also great for voice communication, as When I talk, those packets are getting across faster, because the listener should not be saying yes, I got that packet, for every word I say.

Finally this leads us to UDP being reliable. After I clear this up, go back and read the paragraph above this one again. UDP is not Reliable. This is a major difference between TCP and UDP. So here is the Deal, there is UDP and R-UDP. R-UDP is a Different RFC (see link at bottom) then UDP. That RFC is IETF apparently. There may be others. They point about the original answer is was right, but introduced information about UDP (RFC 2460) that was wrong. For Academic reasons, as well as just common semse

Read about R-UDP here RUDP does not appear to have a proper RDF. some RFC are used in its conceptualization, but it looks to be used by microsoft, who has sent IETF, some document to start an RFC process. that link is below:


I addition, MS did publish some information below, along with a RUDP wiki:


well Apparently my reputation has to be 10 to post more then two links--so wikipedia the other link look for R-UDP or RUDP

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user8524012 Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 12:10
