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Can I transfer my Windows Phone and Windows 8 App from one account to another?

Can I transfer my windows 8 and windows phone apps from one developer account to another?

App includes paid and free version. I want to transfer apps and later I will delete it from old account.

Will my payment option will also be updated as per new account for paid apps?

Thanks in Advance

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sunder Avatar asked Mar 05 '13 06:03


2 Answers

Right now, only Windows Phone app can be migrated to other account. You have to open a support ticket to Microsoft. It can be done via help of support staff.

1) Sign in to Windows Phone Dev Center or Windows Store Dev Center with the account that currently owns the app you want to transfer

2) Submit a support ticket

3) Write that you want to move the app from one account to another, and include all relevant information

4) The process can take up to a week (officially; my app was moved in a few hours

5) That’s it – app is moved to another account: all stats, downloads and reviews are preserved!

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Abdullah Erbey Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 11:11

Abdullah Erbey

At least for Windows Phone this doesn't seem to be an option for the time being - you would have to completely republish the app from the new account - see http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/wpregister/thread/97446550-3bdd-4ad5-886d-d27aed1ffca1/ and http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/wpregister/thread/5a9db60a-0145-4b42-b9e3-d0a92c5d3608/

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mardat Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 12:11
