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Can I track only my TODO tasks in Visual Studio?

Is there a way that I can only filter out my own TODO tasks in Visual Studio?

Currently there are several developers working and they add their own TODO. Finally, if I view my Task List, there are a whole lot of TODOs listed and I can hardly figure out which are mine.

I tried searching some VS sites, but didn't find anything helpful. How do I filter only my own TODOs, or at least all the TODOs in the files that I have touched? I am using VS 2010.

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kuhajeyan Avatar asked Mar 24 '13 09:03


1 Answers

You can add custom tags that will be tracked in the task list, as explained on MSDN.

So, you can add a tag for your stuff only, though you may be able to add todo me, meaning that it will still be tracked by the generic todo task list.

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Oded Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 07:10
