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Can I send a Local Notification with no sound?

I want to have a few local notifications with no display and no sound, but only a vibration. I can get it to do no display, by simply setting alertBody to @"", but how can I send no sound? I am thinking if I don't get a better way from you guys, that I will be able to just make a sound that is empty, add it to my project, then set soundName to that sound. But is there any sort of default way to do this?

If I add a phony sound name it still plays the default notification sound.


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SirRupertIII Avatar asked Jul 25 '13 08:07


People also ask

Can you send local notifications while app is in background?

Notifications could be created at any moment (on Foreground, Background or even when the application is terminated/killed).

How do I get push notifications to make sound?

Go to Settings > Apps & notifications > Notifications. Scroll down and tap Advanced > Default notification sound. Tap My Sounds.

1 Answers

No you can not disable sound because UILocalNotification does not provide any option for this. So better option is as you told in your question to use a empty sound file.

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Nishant Tyagi Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 11:10

Nishant Tyagi