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Can I run package.skeleton without parsing functions into separate files?




Is it possible to run package.skeleton('pkgname') and have all of the .R files end up in a single file or set of files rather than one file per function?

A developer I am working with asked me why I had each function in a separate file and my only rationale was 'that is the default behavior`.

like image 834
David LeBauer Avatar asked Jun 10 '11 16:06

David LeBauer

2 Answers

If you specify a file containing several functions in the code_files argument to package.skeleton, that should just be copied to the R directory in the package.

So, yes.

like image 102
Richie Cotton Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 07:10

Richie Cotton

Don't use package.skeleton. Create the files yourself and use roxygen to create the documentation. It's a much easier workflow in the long run.

like image 31
hadley Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 08:10
