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Can I report progress for openmp tasks?

Imagine a classic OMP task:

  • Summing a large vector of doubles in the range [0.0, 1.0)

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using namespace std;

int main() {
    vector<double> v;

    // generate some data
    generate_n(back_inserter(v), 1ul << 18, 
       bind(uniform_real_distribution<double>(0,1.0), default_random_engine { random_device {}() }));

    long double sum = 0;

#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:sum)
        for(size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); i++)
            sum += v[i];
    std::cout << "Done: sum = " << sum << "\n";

I have trouble coming up with an idea how to report progress. After all, OMP is handling all the coordination between team threads for me, and I don't have a piece of global state.

I could potentially use a regular std::thread and observe some shared variable from there, but isn't there a more "omp-ish" way to achieve this?

like image 486
sehe Avatar asked Jan 20 '15 16:01


People also ask

Why is OpenMP slower?

Another partial reason for the code to run slower might be that when OpenMP is enabled, the compiler might become reluctant to apply some code optimisations when shared variables are being assigned to.

Does OpenMP use threads or processes?

When run, an OpenMP program will use one thread (in the sequential sections), and several threads (in the parallel sections). There is one thread that runs from the beginning to the end, and it's called the master thread.

What are OpenMP tasks?

In OpenMP, an explicit task is specified using the task directive. The task directive defines the code associated with the task and its data environment. The task construct can be placed anywhere in the program; whenever a thread encounters a task construct, a new task is generated.

1 Answers

On processors without native atomic support (and even with them) using #pragma omp atomic, as the other answers here suggest, can slow your program down.

The idea of a progress indicator is to give the user an idea of when something will finish. If you're on target plus/minus a smallish fraction of the total run-time, the user isn't going to be too bothered. That is, the user would prefer that things finish sooner at the expense of knowing more exactly when things will finish.

For this reason, I usually track progress on only a single thread and use it to estimate total progress. This is just fine for situations in which each thread has a similar workload. Since you are using #pragma omp parallel for, you're likely working over a series of similar elements without interdependencies, so my assumption is probably valid for your use-case.

I've wrapped this logic in a class ProgressBar, which I usually include in a header file, along with its helper class Timer. The class uses ANSI control signals to keep things looking nice.

The output looks like this:

[======                                            ] (12% - 22.0s - 4 threads)

It's also easy to have the compiler eliminate all the overhead of the progressbar by declaring the -DNOPROGRESS compilation flag.

Code and an example usage follows:

#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
#include <thread>
#include <iomanip>
#include <stdexcept>

#ifdef _OPENMP
  ///Multi-threading - yay!
  #include <omp.h>
  ///Macros used to disguise the fact that we do not have multithreading enabled.
  #define omp_get_thread_num()  0
  #define omp_get_num_threads() 1

///@brief Used to time how intervals in code.
///Such as how long it takes a given function to run, or how long I/O has taken.
class Timer{
  typedef std::chrono::high_resolution_clock clock;
  typedef std::chrono::duration<double, std::ratio<1> > second;

  std::chrono::time_point<clock> start_time; ///< Last time the timer was started
  double accumulated_time;                   ///< Accumulated running time since creation
  bool running;                              ///< True when the timer is running

    accumulated_time = 0;
    running          = false;

  ///Start the timer. Throws an exception if timer was already running.
  void start(){
      throw std::runtime_error("Timer was already started!");
    start_time = clock::now();

  ///Stop the timer. Throws an exception if timer was already stopped.
  ///Calling this adds to the timer's accumulated time.
  ///@return The accumulated time in seconds.
  double stop(){
      throw std::runtime_error("Timer was already stopped!");

    accumulated_time += lap();
    running           = false;

    return accumulated_time;

  ///Returns the timer's accumulated time. Throws an exception if the timer is
  double accumulated(){
      throw std::runtime_error("Timer is still running!");
    return accumulated_time;

  ///Returns the time between when the timer was started and the current
  ///moment. Throws an exception if the timer is not running.
  double lap(){
      throw std::runtime_error("Timer was not started!");
    return std::chrono::duration_cast<second> (clock::now() - start_time).count();

  ///Stops the timer and resets its accumulated time. No exceptions are thrown
  void reset(){
    accumulated_time = 0;
    running          = false;

///@brief Manages a console-based progress bar to keep the user entertained.
///Defining the global `NOPROGRESS` will
///disable all progress operations, potentially speeding up a program. The look
///of the progress bar is shown in ProgressBar.hpp.
class ProgressBar{
  uint32_t total_work;    ///< Total work to be accomplished
  uint32_t next_update;   ///< Next point to update the visible progress bar
  uint32_t call_diff;     ///< Interval between updates in work units
  uint32_t work_done;
  uint16_t old_percent;   ///< Old percentage value (aka: should we update the progress bar) TODO: Maybe that we do not need this
  Timer    timer;         ///< Used for generating ETA

  ///Clear current line on console so a new progress bar can be written
  void clearConsoleLine() const {

  ///@brief Start/reset the progress bar.
  ///@param total_work  The amount of work to be completed, usually specified in cells.
  void start(uint32_t total_work){
    timer = Timer();
    this->total_work = total_work;
    next_update      = 0;
    call_diff        = total_work/200;
    old_percent      = 0;
    work_done        = 0;

  ///@brief Update the visible progress bar, but only if enough work has been done.
  ///Define the global `NOPROGRESS` flag to prevent this from having an
  ///effect. Doing so may speed up the program's execution.
  void update(uint32_t work_done0){
    //Provide simple way of optimizing out progress updates
    #ifdef NOPROGRESS

    //Quick return if this isn't the main thread

    //Update the amount of work done
    work_done = work_done0;

    //Quick return if insufficient progress has occurred

    //Update the next time at which we'll do the expensive update stuff
    next_update += call_diff;

    //Use a uint16_t because using a uint8_t will cause the result to print as a
    //character instead of a number
    uint16_t percent = (uint8_t)(work_done*omp_get_num_threads()*100/total_work);

    //Handle overflows

    //In the case that there has been no update (which should never be the case,
    //actually), skip the expensive screen print

    //Update old_percent accordingly

    //Print an update string which looks like this:
    //  [================================================  ] (96% - 1.0s - 4 threads)
             <<std::string(percent/2, '=')<<std::string(50-percent/2, ' ')
             <<"] ("
             <<percent<<"% - "
             <<"s - "
             <<omp_get_num_threads()<< " threads)"<<std::flush;

  ///Increment by one the work done and update the progress bar
  ProgressBar& operator++(){
    //Quick return if this isn't the main thread
      return *this;

    return *this;

  ///Stop the progress bar. Throws an exception if it wasn't started.
  ///@return The number of seconds the progress bar was running.
  double stop(){

    return timer.accumulated();

  ///@return Return the time the progress bar ran for.
  double time_it_took(){
    return timer.accumulated();

  uint32_t cellsProcessed() const {
    return work_done;

int main(){
  ProgressBar pg;
  //You should use 'default(none)' by default: be specific about what you're
  #pragma omp parallel for default(none) schedule(static) shared(pg)
  for(int i=0;i<100;i++){
like image 133
Richard Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 08:09
