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Can I release an app without the device?

I have created an iPad app and it is ready to go to the app store, but I can't reach the .app file.. I think it is because I have to build through a real iPad device(which I don't have)?

So, can I build the app for archiving without an iPad, using like the simulator?

/A noob

like image 956
Mangy92 Avatar asked Sep 21 '12 18:09


1 Answers

As at now, on Xcode Version 11.3.1 (11C504), There is nothing like "IOS Device" incase you're looking for that and could not find it.

It's now "Generic IOS Device"

I'm note sure but their is something about this method, it generated a very ridiculous size of Archive for me, I'm talking about 600MB kind of file, might just be because I'm building from a cross-platform perspective.


like image 127
Wale Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 00:11
