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Can I reflect messages out of a Haskell program at runtime?

I’m writing a program that validates a complex data structure according to a number of complex rules. It inputs the data and outputs a list of messages indicating problems with the data.

Think along these lines:

import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Monad.Writer (Writer, tell)

data Name = FullName String String | NickName String
data Person = Person { name :: Name, age :: Maybe Int }

data Severity = E | W | C   -- error/warning/comment
data Message = Message { severity :: Severity, code :: Int, title :: String }
type Validator = Writer [Message]

report :: Severity -> Int -> String -> Validator ()
report s c d = tell [Message s c d]

checkPerson :: Person -> Validator ()
checkPerson person = do
  case age person of
    Nothing -> return ()
    Just years -> do
      when (years < 0) $ report E 1001 "negative age"
      when (years > 200) $ report W 1002 "age too large"
  case name person of
    FullName firstName lastName -> do
      when (null firstName) $ report E 1003 "empty first name"
    NickName nick -> do
      when (null nick) $ report E 1004 "empty nickname"

For documentation, I also want to compile a list of all messages this program can output. That is, I want to obtain the value:

[ Message E 1001 "negative age"
, Message W 1002 "age too large"
, Message E 1003 "empty first name"
, Message E 1004 "empty nickname"

I could move the messages out of checkPerson into some external data structure, but I like it when the messages are defined right at the spot where they are used.

I could (and probably should) extract the messages from the AST at compile time.

But the touted flexibility of Haskell made me thinking: can I achieve that at runtime? That is, can I write a function

allMessages :: (Person -> Validator ()) -> [Message]

such that allMessages checkPerson would give me the above list?

Of course, checkPerson and Validator need not stay the same.

I can almost (not quite) see how I could make a custom Validator monad with a “backdoor” that would run checkPerson in a sort of “reflection mode,” traversing all paths and returning all Messages encountered. I would have to write a custom when function that would know to ignore its first argument under some circumstances (which ones?). So, a kind of a DSL. Perhaps I could even emulate pattern matching?

So: can I do something like this, how, and what would I have to sacrifice?

Please feel free to suggest any solutions even if they do not exactly fit the above description.

like image 486
Vasiliy Faronov Avatar asked Jun 26 '15 22:06

Vasiliy Faronov

1 Answers

This kind of half-static analysis is basically exactly what arrows were invented for. So let's make an arrow! Our arrow will basically be just a Writer action, but one that remembers what messages it might have spit out at any given moment. First, some boilerplate:

{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}

import Control.Arrow
import Control.Category
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Prelude hiding (id, (.))

Now, the type described above:

data Validator m a b = Validator
    { possibleMessages :: [m]
    , action :: Kleisli (Writer m) a b

runValidator :: Validator m a b -> a -> Writer m b
runValidator = runKleisli . action

There are some straightforward instances to put in place. Of particular interest: the composition of two validators remembers messages from both the first action and the second action.

instance Monoid m => Category (Validator m) where
    id = Validator [] id
    Validator ms act . Validator ms' act' = Validator (ms ++ ms') (act . act')

instance Monoid m => Arrow (Validator m) where
    arr f = Validator [] (arr f)
    first (Validator ms act) = Validator ms (first act)

instance Monoid m => ArrowChoice (Validator m) where
    left (Validator ms act) = Validator ms (left act)

All the magic is in the operation that actually lets you report something:

reportWhen :: Monoid m => m -> (a -> Bool) -> Validator m a ()
reportWhen m f = Validator [m] (Kleisli $ \a -> when (f a) (tell m))

This is the operation that notices when you're about to output a possible message, and makes a note of it. Let's copy your types and show how to code up checkPerson as an arrow. I've simplified your messages a little bit, but nothing important is different there -- just less syntactic overhead in the example.

type Message = String
data Name = FullName String String | NickName String -- http://www.kalzumeus.com/2010/06/17/falsehoods-programmers-believe-about-names/
data Person = Person { name :: Name, age :: Maybe Int }

checkPerson :: Validator Message Person ()
checkPerson = proc person -> do
    case age person of
        Nothing -> returnA -< ()
        Just years -> do
            "negative age"  `reportWhen` (<  0) -< years
            "age too large" `reportWhen` (>200) -< years
    case name person of
        FullName firstName lastName -> do
            "empty first name" `reportWhen` null -< firstName
        NickName nick -> do
            "empty nickname"   `reportWhen` null -< nick

I hope you'll agree that this syntax is not too far removed from what you originally wrote. Let's see it in action in ghci:

> runWriter (runValidator checkPerson (Person (NickName "") Nothing))
((),"empty nickname")
> possibleMessages checkPerson 
["empty nickname","empty first name","age too large","negative age"]
like image 79
Daniel Wagner Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 18:11

Daniel Wagner