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Can I raise an Error from rxSwift map-Function




Can I raise an error from a map function or do I need to use flatMap? The error should be reported to onError. In RxJava I can simply throw an exception. How can I do the following (pseudo-)code

observable.map( value -> {if (value.isIllegal) raiseError else return value.count})

Obviously it is possible using a flatMap, but I am looking for a map solution.

like image 584
Benjamin Mesing Avatar asked Dec 15 '17 10:12

Benjamin Mesing

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1 Answers

Works the same way in RxSwift -

        enum MyError: Error {
            case myError

            .map { (element) -> Int in
                throw MyError.myError
            .subscribe { event in
                os_log("%@", "\(event)")
            .disposed(by: self.disposeBag)
like image 68
Maxim Volgin Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 11:11

Maxim Volgin